Saturday, May 24, 2008

Back in action....

My oh my this whole month has been such a whirlwind and now it's Memorial Day weekend?? Where has the month gone? We had a really good time in Niagara Falls until Simon started puking the morning of Marks' Wedding. He didn't stop until well into the evening and we both missed the wedding. We were so so disappointed, I was looking forward to seeing Mark and his wife and meeting his family we've heard so much about. Impecable timing. Oh well, I suppose things happen, but what a bummer!

Simon was a trooper through his illness. He even made the comment after he threw up for the first time, "ewww that was dross (gross)". Poor little guy. He had a great time with his cousin Nicholas though, they were sooo cute together. Nicky is 10 months old and such a sweet little guy. Simon just loved to make him laugh, and cry apparently as one time I heard him yell for Kim from the living room, "Mama! I'm sitting on baby Nicky!" I don't know if he knew that sitting on your cousin earns you a time out. Life's big lessons learned on vacation in New York.

Simon also enjoyed the "big water" (the falls) and the Hard Rock Cafe. We tried to make a baseball game, but ended the trip a day early since everyone was feeling a little under the weather at that point. Oh and the trick to keeping a toddler entertained for 10 (!) hours in the car...borrow his big sister's portable DVD player. If I have to watch Wiggle Bay one more time...

Simon, baby Nick and cousin Tony

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