Friday, September 12, 2008


This picture totally makes me laugh, do you think I should sign him up for one of those crazy baby modeling things? I could very easily fulill the role of neurotic mother, oh wait, I already do...

Simon and Ian

Grumpa trying to convince Simon that canoeing really is fun.

These pics were from a fun day at the lake about a month ago with friends and family. An annual event that is so much fun, especially watching a new generation emerge and grow. We had such a fun summer and are sad to see it go, but with a passing summer comes early fall and apple picking and hay rides and Halloween and Wiggly concerts in Massachusetts, likely to be the highlight of our fall season this year. Simon is well of course, growing like a weed, talking up a storm and getting ready for football season, he's been practicing being "big Ben". Unfortunetly his being big Ben the other day ended him up in the toilet and crying for help, don't ask, I'm not even sure what happened :)

Simon is potty trained too! A big accomplishment that he and we are very proud of. No more diapers! It was a little (just a little) sad to put away all those cute cloth diaper covers and replace them with Handy Manny and Thomas the Train underwear, but I love not have all the laundry and it certainly make outings that much easier. Our boy certainly is growing up. Too fast.

I'm enjoying my new job, with all its newfound responsibility, although I still have to squelch that urge in the middle of the night when I get paged with, "Mr. X has a fever, his blood pressure is in the toilet and he can't breathe," to say, "Shouldn't you call a doctor?" I suppose everything in it's own time. However, I am on vacation this week and loving being home and spending time with people other than my coworkers, who I do love, don't get me wrong! It's just nice to have time to do other things like finally file Simon's second parent adoption paperwork. It has always irked me a little (okay a lot) that his birth certificate only has my name on it and says that I was "unmarried" at the time of his birth.

I'll try not to make it another two months without updates pics of the boy, but time is precious right now. Too precious. Blessings to those who put the cap on 80 hour work weeks though, it could have been much much worse.


Anonymous said...

finally an update! Yeah on the potty training!!

Anonymous said...

Simon is sooo darn cute! Love that pic with Si and Ian! I hope all is well with you and your family!