Friday, November 23, 2007

Blog slacker...

I recognize my failures as a blogger and I embrace them wholeheartedly. Boards both Step 2 and COMLEX-PE are complete (hopefully successfully), Thanksgiving madness over, one more rotation down, 98 more days (including weekends) of med school left, and a fast approaching second birthday for our little guy.

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday. Our was just great. Thanksgiving really is my favorite holiday. No presents not a whole lot of commotion, just lots of family time, which happened to include this year and overnight with Ninny, Uncle Donut and the Donovans four, a trip to LL Bean where I completed most of my Christmas shopping, a delicious meal (catered to avoid the craziness), and many funny funny comments from a grandmother who tends to imbibe a little too much on holiday including referring to my aunt, who is merely 15 years older than me as a, "dear old thing..." Many laughs were had and food lots and lots of food.

Simon enjoyed the holiday tremendously. He is finally old enough to run around with his cousins. This was certainly new to me too, and I enjoyed the peace and quiet of the adult living room while he stayed with the kids doing whatever it is kids do on holidays! He slept through the beginning of dinner, but of course was awake for dessert. I don't think my son has ever had so much sugar in one day, for review, Simon ate yesterday:
1. Two cinnamon rolls, fresh out of the package with the gooey icing to top 'em off.
2. Three blueberry things from my grandmothers house, I think they were supposed to be tarts, but they also were topped with plenty of sugar.
3. A banana (perhaps the only healthy thing all day)
and here's where it gets good...
4. For dinner, three peppermint patties, thank you Grump.
5. More dinner, iced sugar cookies, thank you Aunt Kim.
6. A piece of chocolate cream pie with plenty of whipped cream, thank you Grammie.

I made a feable effort to encourage the intake of the delicious turkey and beans and squash, but all a got was, "ALL DONE, SI-MIN PAY WITH KIDS!" Oh well, he's on his sugar crash today.
We're heading our for thai food tonight with the Meadows family and Merma. It should be fun, I'm debating whether or not to take the kids to the tree lighting at monument square, we'll see, I think we all could use an earlier night! And tomorrow we're going house hunting, just one, one that looks very promising...we'll see!

I'm going to post some pics of the babe, some from Halloween, some from the car, and some from his first leaf pile. My boy is growing up. Five more days until he turns two...and I'm still left wondering, what will happen to the breastfeeding ticker in five days? Stay tuned!


The first Haircut...

Sleepy boy.

The leaf pile with my mom..

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