Simon experienced his first baking project with Mommy this rainy Saturday afternoon. He was very excited that we were going to make cookies. Much to his dismay, homemade cookies do not come instantly out of the box in the cupboard, but require a lot of patience and A LOT of waiting. He did great, I think the pictures are worth a thousand words.
You're kidding me, all I get out of this deal are a bunch of raisins?
Very patiently waiting
And then maybe starting to get a little irritated...
Finally, what I have been waiting so long for...
Our own little Cookie Monster!
And a little video of Simon and the cookie conundrum for your viewing pleasure!
Ms Perpetual Motion actually sat still long enough to watch the cookie monster movie about 7-8 times. She also likes counting the breastfeeding stars.
I thought you already had residency locked in. Any thoughts of interviewing up my way? That could be really, really fun.
Love Simon's curly locks.
Awesome video - Just one question... Where did the dog come from? Do you have a new addition to your family? Hunter was interested.
Love you all!!
Mindy & Megan & Taryn & Shaelyn & Sean.
Keep on posting!
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