Friday, October 12, 2007

He's a cute one....

Kim asked me today whether I was going to blog every day about Simon. I said, "no, only when he does something cute, so I guess, yes, pretty much every day!" He's pretty cute I guess. Simon had a good day at school today. Wish it was just a boring mundane day at daycare, but with Simon things are never dull. The day started with me waking him up at 8 AM to get reading for school. He sat bolt upright and said "DADA (simon) WEAR SSSSS (steelers)?" And would settle for nothing less than his two piece Steelers ensemble, thank you Grammie.

Kim picked him up from school where she head all about how "Simon didn't nap well today, he spent most of nap time trying to jump out of his crib." I guess it'll be an early night. Right now, in his infinite cuteness is playing with his people and school bus, opening the door, singing the wheels on the bus and then taking the people out the top of the bus, lining them up, and putting them back in. He's been at it for at least half an hour. Should be a quiet (early) night.

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