Tuesday, April 8, 2008

One track mind....

We've been home for a few hours now, had dinner, settling in for the night. I would love to spend some QT with the little guy, but all he seems to want to do tonight is play hockey, serious hockey, like throw your entire body into the door to make the bang noise kind of hockey. Mommy just doesn't have it in her tonight for full contact sports, where's Grumpa when you need him? So I went through my list of things we could do instead, build a block tower, read some books, snuggle on the couch with a TV show...no no no....finally as a last resort I turned to, "I could bring your giraffe down from upstairs and you could ride it for a little while." His reply, "YEAH!!! Mommy, then I can be the Zamboni". Boy oh boy.

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