Friday, April 4, 2008


Homemade waffles with apple pie jam for anyone who returns my sweet boy and takes this little crab apple away! Simon has been so...OFF this week. I don't know what it is exactly, but he has just goes from being this fun loving little guy into a holy terror. He's not sleeping well, maybe 8-10 hours at night, but not in any predictable order and usually not entirely in his own bed. His naps last anywhere from 0 to 45 minutes, a far cry from his 2 hour naps normally. Just not sure what's up with him. My friend Kate says that his brain or his body must be in transition. I sure hope it ends soon, I hate transition!

1 comment:

Ente said...

Thank goodness you didn't pack the waffle iron.

I am sure the sweet-one will return soon.